Category: Sketches

Sketch Day with Candace Perkins

Hello friends! It’s Candace here with you to share a fun sketch and the layout that I was inspired to create using it. I LOVE working with sketches! I can take the time to just play with paper and embellishments and not have to worry about creating a balanced design; all the work is already…

Sketch Day with Marsha Farris

Hey, friends!  It’s Marsha and I’m so excited to be here sharing an Elle’s Studio sketch day project with you!  Using a sketch is such a great way to jump-start your creativity, and today’s sketch is sure to do just that with its fun grid design: Here’s a look at the project that I created…

Sketch Day with Tracey Fox

If time is not on your side, but you still want to create, why not start with a sketch? Even the talented members of our design team find starting with a sketch the perfect way to get creative, yet still make something new and special! Let’s take a look at the awesome layout that design…

Sketch Day with Kristina Proffitt

Each month during 2020, we are sharing two different sketches with you, geared toward boosting your creativity and helping you to create in a time crunch! We’d love for you to take these sketches and create with them, sharing your projects on Instagram using the hashtag #EllesStudio and in our Elle’s Studio Facebook Group! Today,…

Sketch Day with Suzanna Lee

Hiya scrappy peeps! It’s Suzanna here today with a new year, new decade and a new sketch inspired layout! I hope 2020 has begun on the right foot and you are finding time to play and create!  Here is the sketch: And here is the layout that I created based on that sketch; Supplies |…

Sketch Ready with Suzanna Lee

A great sketch can be used over and over again in different ways to create beautiful, well-balanced layouts, and today we have just the sketch for you! Design team member Suzanna Lee is working her sketch magic with it, and sharing an amazing back to school layout, plus a process video! Take a look! Hiya…

Sketch Day with Tracey Fox

We’re excited to share a new sketch with you this month to spark you inspiration, and create something beautiful in just a few minutes! Today Tracey Fox is sharing what she created with the sketch, and we know that you’ll love how she amended it to fit her layout theme! Hi there! It’s Tracey Fox…

Going with a Grid with Kristina Proffitt

Hi friends! It’s Kristina here, and today I’m going to be sharing a layout with you that I created using a sketch from the From Sketch to Finish Vol. 4 Digital Class. It was so hard choosing just one layout to be inspired by, but in the end I chose to use one of the bonus…

Starting with a From Sketch to Finish Sketch with Suzanna Lee

Hello! It’s Suzanna here with you today! Are you a sketch fan? Or perhaps you have been intrigued by sketches and aren’t quite sure what to do with them? Either way, you might be interested in this—the latest From Sketch to Finish Volume 4 class, and all of the ES online classes are on SALE…

Starting with a Sketch with Amanda-jayne Baldwin!

We love how easy it can be to create a new layout with a sketch, and we’ve got just the class for you if you love working with sketches, too! Our latest From Sketch To Finish Vol. 4 Digital Class is our biggest sketch class yet, featuring 50 sketches, 10 talented contributors and 20 inspiring layouts to…