Category: Pocket Pages

Using our List Stamp in pockets with Candace Perkins

Hello friends! Candace with you today to share a pocket page layout using the new List Stamp as inspiration to drive the design and feel of the layout. I knew that I wanted to create a layout about my anniversary this month but I was unsure about the overall design and direction that I wanted…

Playful Pockets with the August Kit & Extras and Steph Grimes

Happy August, everyone! It’s Steph Grimes here, and I am going back to my roots on today’s project— 12” x 12” pocket pages! I am still working my way through pages for the second half of 2019 and the August 2020 kit and add-ons was just perfect for documenting the first few days of August…

Pocket Page Colour Pop with Jess Forster

Happy July, friends! It’s summer here in Toronto, which means sunshine and warmer weather are here to stay for a few months. Using the hot temperatures as inspiration, I made a pocket page using journaling tags with warmer tones from the July 2020 Kit. The results are lots of pops of colour around my page!…

Putting the June Kit in Pockets with Amy Jo Vanden Brink

One great way to use up your kit before our next reveal is to fill pockets! Our monthly products are carefully coordinated to work together, making creating cohesive pockets a breeze! Let’s take a look at how design team member Amy Jo Vanden Brink did that today! Hello! I’m excited to be back sharing a layout…

Documenting Simple Summertime Moments with Jess Forster

Don’t underestimate the everyday moments in your life! Today, design team member Jess Forster is sharing how she has recorded a simple, summer activity using our June 2020 kit and add-ons, which we know she will look back on and be thankful that she documented it! Jess is showing us that the little details of…

Simple, Sweet Summer Memories in Pockets with Steph Grimes

Hi everyone! The June 2020 Kit and extras are perfect for documenting your sweet summer memories, and today I’m happy to share a new pocket page spread featuring some of our latest release to tell a fun summer story about my niece.  Supplies | June 2020 Kit, Ice Cream Stickers, Summer Stickers, Summer Fun 6 x 8.5 Inch…

Paper Stacks in Pockets with Nathalie Leonelli!

Our paper stacks can be used for so many things, from crafting mini albums to backing a scrapbook layout—but have you tried to use our 6 x 8.5 inch paper stacks in pockets? Design team member Nathalie Leonelli is here to share how she used our newest paper stack, Summer Fun, to create one gorgeous…

“Teach Me” Tutorial: Monochromatic Colour Scheme with Jess Forster

Today we have a special “Teach Me” tutorial from design team member Jess Forster. She’s not sharing a technique-heavy new project, but how she builds a bold monochromatic color scheme—perfect for any project that you would want to create! Let’s find out her tips on how to do this successfully! Hi friends! I am so…

Currently In Pockets with Nathalie Leonelli

Every month is different—even with our habits and schedules, different seasons and events make our lives look different from week to week, so why not record them in a monthly format? That’s what design team member Nathalie Leonelli is doing with 9″ x 12″ pocket pages, and she has her latest one to share with…

Pocket Page Style with Amanda-jayne Baldwin

In today’s blog post, we’re getting a very good reminder from design team member Amanda-jayne Baldwin: don’t knock a certain type of memory-keeping until you have tried it! Amanda has recently tried a new format, pocket pages, after thinking they weren’t for her, and once you see her beautiful spread, you’ll know that she was…