A Currently List on Tags with Kat Benjamin

Hello, everyone! It’s Kat here today and I am excited to show you a fun idea for using this month’s awesome Ledger Die Cut Tags!

When I saw the tags, I knew I wanted to use a bunch of them on a layout to document my daughter’s life right now. So, I sat her down and interviewed her about all her favorite things. I typed her answers and a few of my own observations onto the Ledger Die Cut Tags and the January and February Labels.

Supplies: February 2022 Kit, February 2022 Cut Files, February Labels, January Labels, Ledger Die Cut Tags, Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers, Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers – Warm, Love You Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Large Heart Jane Alphabet StampCurrently Stamp, Mini Dated Extras Stamp, Currently Metal Die, Large Jane Alphabet Metal Die, Nesting Tags Metal Die

I decided to keep the bulk of my design to the bottom half of my page and even made a photo of my daughter into a tag shape using the Nesting Tags Metal Die to blend in with the rest of the design.  

I backed some of the tags with patterned paper from the Love You Paper Stack to make them stand out against the white background and then I just laid the tags and labels down at random until I found a design I was comfortable with.

I finished off the design by sprinkling in some of the Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers and adding the “life captured” speech bubble February 2022 Cut File to the top of my layout.

How are you using the Ledger Die Cut Tags this month?  Make sure you share your designs with us on social media using the #EllesStudio hashtag, or by posting in our Elle’s Studio Facebook Group!

Documenting Happy Things with Junell Kruzel

Hello! It’s Junell here on the blog today and I’m wondering if there’s a prize for most used products on a layout? There’s only a handful of items from this month’s release that I did not use. It’s all just so good!

Supplies | February 2022 KitFebruary Labels, Fuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Grid Circle Cardstock StickersJane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Life Captured StickersLittle Love Label Stickers, Love You Paper Stack, Love Notes StampLarge Heart Jane Alphabet Stamp, Large Heart Jane Number Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die, Large Jane Alphabet Metal DieLarge Jane Number Metal Die

Last year I read a book by Todd Doughty called Little Pieces of Hope: Happy-Making Things in a Difficult World. There was page after page of things that gave this author some happiness. Big things, like seeing the Eiffel Tower and little things, like hearing chirping birds outside his window. This inspired me to keep my own running list that I add to quite a bit. I just keep it on my Notes app and now have well over 300 things.

For this layout, I thought it would be fun to document 46 of the happy-making things on my list in celebration of my 46th birthday this past January. 

It would be very easy for a layout like this to get very busy and overwhelming. To counteract this, I made sure the bulk of the layout was “contained” within a box, yet the title and journaling are outside the box in the white space.

When adding elements to the box, I started with the larger items: the three pictures, which I die cut using the Love Notes Metal Die heart, two die cut hearts, and three tags from the February 2022 Kit, which I fussy cut. I placed them in a zig-zag line to draw your eye through. 

I also paid attention to the colors when adding and placing them in the box. Even though there are several colors being used, I made sure that each color was used at least three times in the layout for cohesiveness. I also placed them evenly throughout the box and not clustered together.

After the larger elements were added, I started adding the smaller elements. Many of them were the die cuts from the February Kit, and I also used the February Labels, the Fuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, and the Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers. I also had to keep in mind that I needed 43 spots for writing items down, as three were pictures, and kept counting over and over to make sure I had exactly 46 happy-making things! Then I got busy writing. All I had to do was refer back to my Notes app. One of my happy-making things is seeing a new box of Elle’s Studio goodies on my porch!

Have you thought about documenting your happy-making things in a layout? I offer the challenge to give it a try! The Elle’s Studio February 2022 kit and add-ons are perfect for creating this type of layout! Be sure to post it in the Elle’s Studio Facebook group. I would love to see the layout and your happy-making things!

Travel Memories Recorded with Diane Dziuban

Hi everyone! It’s Diane here, sharing a 6 x 8 inch layout I created using the awesome February 2022 kit and add-ons. I say this every month, but the colors are just so pretty! They were perfect for this layout in a travel album I have recently started working on.

Supplies | February 2022 Kit, Fuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Teal Puffy Alphabet Stickers, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Warm Tones, Icon Tab Stamp, Currently Stamp

This album will be documenting a huge road trip my family took as we moved from Alaska to Texas back in 2014. This layout is all about an afternoon spent in downtown Seattle on day seven of our trip. Aren’t the colors in this month’s kit just perfect for these photos? I was fascinated by all the fresh flowers and knew that I wanted a large photo on one side. The beautiful fuchsia Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers were perfect to add a title in the bottom right corner of that photo. That color is gorgeous! 

One of the things I love most about using pocket pages is the ability to add different-sized pages throughout the album.  For this layout, I knew I had some extra photos I wanted to add so I included a 3 x 8 insert. It’s such a fun way to add extra texture and dimension.  

The minute I saw the new Icon Tab Stamp I knew it would be perfect to use on this tag to document some of our favorites from the afternoon. This is such a fun stamp, and I know these icons will be showing up in this travel album often, as well as being versatile enough to use on everyday photos in my monthly documenting. So fun!

I hope you enjoyed a peek into our trip and maybe got some ideas along the way! Thanks so much for stopping by to take a look! I can’t wait to see what you all create with this gorgeous kit!

A “Currents” List in Icons with Aimee Mertell

Hey there Elle’s Studio friends! It’s Aimee back again with a travelers notebook layout! I was so inspired by all the icons in the Icon Tab Stamp to make a, “currently” page. So let’s get started! 

Supplies | February 2022 KitLedger Die Cut Tags, Life Captured Stickers, Icon Tab Stamp, Currently Stamp, Pattern Block Stamp, Mini Dated Stamp

As you can see the Icon Tab Stamp has the perfect icons for documenting your “currently” list! I chose watching, listening, eating, enjoying, reading and creating, but there are many more possibilities to choose from. 

I wanted the icons to have some more color— I could have used markers or colored pencils to shade or color the icons, but I opted to use the opposite or flat side of the stamps to leave a colorful, wonky background behind my chosen icons. This was a super fun and new to me technique and I am totally loving it! 

I stamped my icons, typed up my journaling and then focused on my title for this page. I used the Pattern Block Stamp to add a light grid pattern and then stamped my title on top using the Currently Stamp. On the opposite side, I laid down my selfie and layered the Ledger Die Cut Tags below. I love how these tied into the grid pattern behind my title! 

I used the February 2022 Kit die cut stars and labels and the Life Captured Stickers speech bubbles to embellish all around for a super colorful look. I dated my layout using the Mini Dated Stamp and there you have it—my completed “currently” layout! I love looking back on these types of pages to get a glimpse at what I was doing at a particular time in my life. 

I hope this inspires you to create a page about your current favorites or allows you to look at the Icon Tab Stamp in a new way— the possibilities are really endless! Until next time, happy creating! 

Show us how you’re using our new Icon Tab Stamp! Post your projects to our Elle’s Studio Facebook Group or on Instagram using the #EllesStudio hashtag!

Sketch Day with Suzanna Lee

Hiya, scrappy peeps and Elle’s Studio fans! It’s Suzanna here today to welcome you to another Elle’s studio sketch challenge! I’m a huge sketch fan! Sometimes I need them to get the creative juices flowing. Other times, I just like having a bit of a road map and just creating without worrying about the design.

Let’s take a look at the sketch:

Supplies | February 2022 KitLedger Die Cut Tags, Life Captured StickersLittle Love Label Stickers, Love You Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Pocket, Frame, and Flip-Up Metal Die, Everyday Tabs Vol. 2 Metal Die

This is a classic grid sketch, skewed to the left-hand side of the page. The beauty of this particular grid is that you can use as many photos or 3 x 4 inch tags as suits your needs. As you can see below, I went with 3-ish pictures and 5 pocket cards. Five—yes, you read that correctly—five! Keep reading to find out just how that’s possible using the February 2022 kit and add-ons!

Also featured in this sketch is this month’s Icon Tab Stamp. I used the tab stamp for both décor and for functionality. Both of the full-size photos have something underneath them and the Icon Tab serves as a “lift here” tab. In this picture, the tab from the speech bubble pocket tag in the middle serves as an anchor to tuck the underneath and stop the flap from “blowing in the wind”, per se.

You can see the photo secured under the tab better in the photo below. I chose to stamp each of the tabs on a different warm tone paper, using a mix of Elle’s Studio solid cardstock and patterned paper from the Love You Paper Stack before die cutting with the coordinating Everyday Tabs Vol. 2 Metal Die. The icons were then stamped on white cardstock and cut with a ¾ inch circle punch to fit within the circular tab.

Underneath this photo, you will find a pocket that holds one of the Ledger Die Cut Tags. The pocket is created using the Pocket, Frame, and Flip-Up Metal Die. Housed on the tag is my journaling. The pocket tag underneath the photo above will eventually house Nikolas’ journaling. At age 19, I would like for him to tell more of his own story, especially as more of his life is spent 3 hours away and he’s building his own memories.

We would love to see your take on this sketch! If you play along, be sure to share what you create in the Elle’s Studio Facebook Group or tag us with the hashtag #EllesStudio.

If you are of the process video-inspired variety, be sure to head over to my personal YouTube channel where I will share the video of how this layout came together. The Pocket, Frame, and Flip-Up Metal Die is very handy for creating little tabs that aid with the flip-up photos. Thanks for stopping in today!

February 2022 Design Team Inspiration: Volume Two

Welcome to our week two Design Team Inspiration post! Each of these nine projects have such inspiring and creative ideas included that we know you’ll be ready to create with your new February 2022 kit and add-ons! Let’s take a look, and don’t forget to pin your favorites!

Good Egg by LeeAnne Jones – supplies used | February 2022 KitFebruary 2022 Printables, Ledger Die Cut Tags, Life Captured StickersLittle Love Label Stickers, Autumn Puffy Heart Stickers, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Warm Tones, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Cool Tones, Love You Paper Stack, Medium Jane Alphabet Stamp – Outline

Love Us traveler’s notebook spread by Marsha Farris – supplies used | February 2022 Kit, Ledger Die Cut Tags, Fuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Love You Paper Stack, Cool Solids Paper Stack, Warm Solids Paper Stack, Heart Label Stamp, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Large Heart Jane Alphabet Stamp, Large Heart Jane Number Stamp, For The Record Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die, Large Jane Number Metal Die, Labels Metal Die

123 pocket page by Michelle Flynn – supplies used | February 2022 KitFebruary LabelsLedger Die Cut Tags, Fuchsia Cardstock Label StickersLife Captured StickersLittle Love Label Stickers, Treasure This Vellum Stickers, Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers – Warm, Puffy Asterisk Stickers, Heart Label Stamp, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, For The Record Stamp, Autumn Tab Stamp, Lined Labels Stamp, Daily Tabs Stamp

You by Meghann Andrew – supplies used | February 2022 KitFuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Navy, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Light Teal, White Jane Alphabet Cardstock Stickers, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Warm Tones, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Cool Tones, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Neutrals, Gold Heart Paper Clips, Love You Paper Stack, Cool Solids Paper Stack, Warm Solids Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Daily Tabs Stamp, Sincere Sentiments: Wonderful You Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die, My Heart Metal Die, Sincere Sentiments Wonderful You Metal Die

1234 traveler’s notebook spread by Nathalie Leonelli – supplies used | February 2022 Kit, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Life Captured Stickers, Love You Paper Stack, Cool Solids Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die

July memory planner spread by Melissa Mann – supplies used | February 2022 KitFuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Grid Circle Cardstock StickersJane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Life Captured Stickers, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Large Jane Number Stamp – Solid and Outline, Small Tile Alphabet Stamp, Celebrate Summer Stamp, Make a Wish Stamp, For The Record Stamp

Today by Junell Kruzel – supplies used | February 2022 KitFuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers, Icon Tab Stamp, Large Heart Jane Alphabet Stamp, Large Jane Alphabet Metal Die 

2021 Week 09 memory planner spread by Aurélie Cormier – supplies used | February 2022 KitFebruary 2022 Print and Cut Labels, Ledger Die Cut Tags, Weekly Die Cut Labels, Fuchsia Cardstock Label Stickers, Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers, Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Red Jane Alphabet Cardstock Stickers, Life Captured Stickers, Puffy Heart Stickers, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers – Cool Tones, Love You Paper Stack, Warm Solids Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Title Builder Vol. 5 The Merriest Stamp, Dated Stamp Set, Stanley Jr. Alphabet Stamp, Currently Stamp, Good Times Tab Stamp, For The Record Stamp, Grateful Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die, Large Jane Alphabet Metal Die 

Sisters & Best Friends by Sarah Kee – supplies used | February 2022 KitFebruary 2022 Print and Cut Labels, Proud of You Die Cuts, Gold Heart Paper Clips, Love You Paper Stack, Icon Tab Stamp, Love Notes Stamp

Amazing projects, right?! See more from our design team, as well as fellow subscribers by joining our Facebook Group, and be sure to share what you create with your February 2022 kit and add-ons there, too!

You Brighten My Day with Jennifer McMurtrey

Hello, Elle’s Studio friends! It’s Jen with you today, and I am eager to share a sweet 12 x 12 inch layout I created using the February 2022 kit and add-ons. Let’s take a look at the finished project that features photos of my oldest and her dad from 1997. It just goes to show it is never too late to document your photos!

Supplies | February 2022 Kit, Bright Heart Journaling Tags, Little Love Label Stickers, White Jane Alphabet Cardstock Stickers, Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers – Warm, Gold Heart Paper Clips, Heart Label Stamp, Love Notes Stamp, Sincere Sentiments Wonderful You Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die, Sincere Sentiments Wonderful You Metal Die

To start this layout, I traced around a salad plate with a fine black marker several times to create the base of what looks like a wreath. To add color to the background, I splattered pink, purple, red, black, and gold inks on and around the circles.

Next, I used red, pink, and purple alcohol inks on yupo paper. Once the inks were dry, I used the heart in the Love Notes Metal Die to cut several heart shapes.

Keeping with the same colors I used with the alcohol inks, I stamped several images with the Love Notes Stamp and then cut them out with the coordinating Metal Die. These, along with die cuts from the February 2022 Kit were used to embellishment the layout.

Each of the photos was backed with Bright Heart Journaling Tags before adhering them to the page. Next, I embellished with more stamped images, die cuts, and a Gold Heart Paper Clip.

The title cluster was next, and I used the same piece of yupo paper with the Sincere Sentiments Wonderful You Stamp and Metal Die. This set was perfect for creating the title. Last, I added the date using the White Jane Alphabet Cardstock Stickers.

The finishing touch was adding the warm Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers along with several of the die cut heart shapes.

Here’s one last look at the photo cluster and embellishments. These are some of my favorite photos and I am so glad to finally have them documented!

Thank you for visiting today! Remember: Post your completed Elle’s Studio projects to social media and use the hashtag #EllesStudio so we are sure to see your amazing work!

Tuesday Tutorial: Sew Much Fun with Kim Chaffin

Hi friends, it’s Kim Chaffin, and I’m excited to be back with you to share a Tuesday Tutorial! I’m going to share two different ways that I add sewing to my layouts. First, let’s take a look at the project. 

Supplies | February 2022 KitGrid Circle Cardstock Stickers, Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers – Warm

You may notice that I’ve added stitches to create a vellum pocket, to adhere a strip cut from a pocket tag to the top of my journaling, and to add a decorative element to my typed word phrase strips. 

I created the vellum pocket by machine stitching a 3 3/4 x 4 1/4 inch piece of vellum to my large background photo. I sewed around the sides and bottom using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. You can see that my stitches aren’t perfectly even or straight, because I find paper a bit more difficult than fabric to guide through the machine. I’m definitely not a perfectionist about this, but you certainly could work more meticulously if that bothers you. My pocket will hold 3 x 4 inch pocket tags and photos embellished with heart chipboard stickers. It’s a great spot for tucking in extras when you’re out of layout space!

I loved the little heart emoji on this February Kit tag. I typed my journaling onto a 3 x 4 inch piece of cardstock, leaving room at the top to attach a strip of that pink pocket tag. Again, I machine stitched this in place.

I also love to add hand sewing to my pages. In this case, I put a little x stitch at the ends of two word phrases I had typed and printed. When hand sewing, I find it’s best to pierce my page before adding the stitches. To do so, simply lay your page over a foam pad, such as a mouse pad, and pierce in four spots where you want to add your stitch. (See the photos above for placement.) Use a needle or piercer for this. Next, push a threaded needle through one of the holes, coming in from the back side of your layout. As you pull the thread through, grab the tail before it goes all the way through, and secure it to the backside using an adhesive. A glue stick will work, but also hold the tail in place with your finger, because the glue won’t be dry enough to hold securely yet. Now, take the needle back down through the hole diagonal from the first hole. Come back up from the backside through either of the remaining two holes, and cross over the initial stitch to take your needle back down through the remaining hole. You’ve made a cross stitch! Now trim your thread at the back, and make certain to secure both tails with adhesive.

Sewing adds texture and interest to scrapbook layouts and paper crafting. I’d love to see how you incorporate this fun technique into your own projects!

Love in Pockets with Guest Jennie Garcia

Today we are excited to welcome our February guest designer, Jennie Garcia! Jennie’s projects always stand out because of their bold use of color, and we love the way that she records the best of everyday life in her projects. Today’s project is the perfect example of her signature look, and we think you’ll love it as much as we do! Let’s take a look, and don’t forget to follow Jennie at the links at the bottom of the post for more inspiration!

Hi everyone! My name is Jennie Garcia and I’m the guest designer for this month! I loved working with the adorable and colorful February 2022 kit and add-ons

Supplies | February 2022 Kit, Grid Circle Cardstock Stickers, Life Captured StickersJane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers – Fuchsia, Heart and Star Chipboard Stickers – Warm, Gold Heart Paper Clips, Love You Paper Stack, Love Notes Stamp, Love Notes Metal Die

One of the things that I love about the new fuchsia Jane Tile Alphabet Cardstock Stickers is that they have numbers. I love to put a number next to a photo, then I write all of my journaling on one card. 

I loved using the Gold Heart Paper Clips to hold on to items that I don’t want to adhere down, like these Valentine’s Day card keepsakes. 

The Love Notes Metal Die provided the perfect heart to add to my title tag.

I like to use a simple pattern or light paper to type my journaling so it’s easy to read, and this red pattern from the Love You Paper Stack was perfect!

I really liked the first title card I made, so I decided to use the same design again for week seven. Both pages are a little busy, so the simple design worked great. I also like how they mirror each other.  

I used the Love Notes Stamp on my photos. When stamping on your photos, consider the type of paper you are using before you select your ink. I use Canon Glossy II Photo Paper and I print my photos at home. 

I hope you enjoyed these pages! Thank you so much for letting me work with this gorgeous kit! 

My name is Jennie Garcia. I’m from Puerto Rico, but I live in Maryland. I have been married for almost 14 years and I have 2 daughters. I used to be an art teacher. I started scrapbooking when my oldest daughter was born, and I started making pocket pages when my little one was born. I love documenting everyday life with colorful and busy spreads. I’m so happy to be guest designing this month! 
If you want to be updated with my projects follow me on social media!

Be sure to follow Jennie at these links: YouTube | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Blog | Classes

#EllesStudio Spottings on Instagram

Hey there, Elle’s Studio fans! Did you know that you can be featured on the blog here, and win a gift certificate to our shop, just for sharing what you create with our products on Instagram using the #EllesStudio hashtag?! This month, we spotted so many projects, but we wanted to share these six with you today!

On the left, check out how Heather (@heyheather_scrapbooks) used some of our latest products, like our Large Jane Heart Alphabet Stamp, January 2022 Kit and Love Notes Die Cuts on her colorful page! So beautiful, Heather! On the right, we see a LOT of everyday details in Emily’s (@emilyscrapbooks) pockets, and she used some of our staple products to document them, like our Yellow Parker Acetate Alphabet Stickers and Navy Puffy Alphabet Stickers. We love seeing pockets filled with our products!

Let’s check out some more pockets! On the left, this black and white beauty with pops of color by Lori (@lori_670) really stands out, and uses bits and pieces from our monthly kits to pull off this awesome look! On the right, navy and teal abounds on this page by Stephanie (@stephanie_allaround_crafty), and we love the way that she used our January 2022 kit and add-ons to create this beautiful page!

We were so excited to see several cards in the hashtag features this month, too! On the left, Gayle (@createcards20) used our Sincere Sentiments Wonderful You collection to create this beautiful card with a bold sentiment. On the right, Sharon (@s_gurlcreates) came up with one awesome design to feature products from our Birthday collection: the Make a Wish Stamp and Celebrate Paper Stack. How fun, Sharon!

Just for sharing their projects, these six paper crafters will each win a $10 gift certificate to the shop! Thank you so much for posting your projects and using the #EllesStudio hashtag, ladies! Please email us at [email protected] to claim your prize!

Use our products on your next project and post to Instagram using the hashtag #EllesStudio for a chance to be featured here on our blog, and win a gift certificate to the shop! We can’t wait to see what you create this month!