Why is journaling on your layouts important to you? As much as I try to capture the story with my picture taking.. the mood, the feel, the sights… the whole story can’t always be told through a photo. I look at my journaling a little bit backwards I suppose, I start my journaling where the photo leaves off.. the bits and pieces that the photo doesn’t tell. My journaling is usually fairly short, but I feel it will be the connection to the photo when looking back on my pages years down the road. Sometimes I like to do random journaling.. that doesn’t always go with the photo, that is usually my favourite kind! I love that this hobby is the prefect way to document those random fun things about my kids.. those things that are there one minute and gone the next. Journaling on my scrapbook pages is a way for me to document all of those little things.. and that is priceless!
Do you try to include all the details in your journaling? Since I do so many pages, and those pages are usually one one photo pages.. in most instances, a series of photos get spread out over several pages. So, if I take 40 pictures of the kids playing in the backyard.. chances are, I will end up with at least 3 or 4 (or sometimes more) pages of that alone.. so the story gets spread across those pages. One page may end up being just a ‘who and when’ type page, another might be more about what they were doing, another might me about what we did that day in general.. and one may even be about something entirely different, with the subject going along with what the photo may represent. So no, most times I am not too concerned about including every single detail in my journaling, because I know in the end.. between all of the pages, the story will be told.
Does every layout you create contain journaling? No, definitely not. A lot of times I will only include a date. Sometimes I feel the photo tells enough of the story, or I appreciate the photo as it is and just feel like being artsy and making a page. This kind of elaborates on the previous question.. chances are I will end up making an accompanying page that will contain some journaling that the one without was lacking.What do you find the most difficult about journaling? Honestly, finding room! lol I usually save my journaling for last, and sometimes get carried away in the creating process, and don’t end up thinking too much about where I am going to add the journaling! So alot of times, I end up looking at the page and saying to myself “where oh where am I going to add that?” ..that is why I love handwriting my journaling, it is so much easier to make it fit in! The Elle’s Studio tags are the perfect solution to this for me! I find when I plan to journal on a tag.. I plan the spot for that tag during the creating process… and that is a good thing!!
Any tips or techniques you’d like to share with us? SInce I do the majority of my journaling in my own handwriting.. my tip is to lightly journal in pencil first! lol I continually learn this lesson the hard way! I find if I have a light pencilled in guide to follow, it is so much easier to stay on track!Supply List: Elle’s Studio Tags (Sweet Summer Scallops, Sweet Summer Tiny Tags, Sweet Summer Large Circles, Sweet Summer Journaling Tags), Elle’s Studio Stamps (Sweet Summer Stamps), KI Memories (Wild Life gems), Pink Paislee (Dream Big patterned paper), Dear Lizzy (crochet flowers, Tickled Tulip fabric paper), October Afternoon (Picnic Table patterned paper), Martha Stewart (3 in 1 butterfly punch), American Crafts (brown pen and white cardstock)
ABOUT JENNIFER: Hi, my name is Jen! I love to scrapbook and play with anything crafty! I am happiest when I do something creative every single day! This summer I hope to read many many books, play with my 2 munchkins, spend as much time outdoors as possible, take a road trip (or two).. and craft up a storm of course! I am a stay at home mom, and married to my bestest friend.. we have two kids, Laine (age 8) and Harley (age 3)… these three are my everything!
You can visit Jennifer’s blog here: www.jenniferjohner.typepad.com