How do you decide how much or little of the story to tell? My stories are almost always very brief. I don’t pressure myself to write everything out. I miss somethings but most of the time I almost always write about the few details I want to remember. these always trigger a smile, a sweet memory. I am more of a visual person anyway, I guess for me it’s not so much about the journaling specifically. My words + my pictures + my art process= love. I don’t have any children yet, but I know that they will later on look over our art pages I’ve made and very well see that I have loved being a wife to mr.handsome. I have loved documenting our lives for them and for us. xoxo
Does every layout you create contain journaling? Not really. I often find myself journaling on the back of my pages. More for some added privacy. And for the mere fact I really don’t like my handwriting. 🙂 I make the most of my cute typewriter and journal free style onto my page. I allow myself the freedom to make mistakes and scribble stuff up. It’s part of the art process. I embrace the mess 🙂
What do you find the most difficult about journaling? I hold back. I tend to be a very private person. And with anything that I make, I really try to make each page meaningful. I don’t force myself to make anything I’m not invested in. When I do journal I try to keep it positive and real. And then there is also the very fine line between what i allow myself to share on the web. I allow myself to keep things just for me. So sometimes I will share a page but all the journaling will be on the back 🙂Take us through your journaling process: As with this page, i had the journaling weighing heavily on my heart for quite some time. It just needed to be spilled out onto paper. Visually embraced. I had been thinking of the journaling: “whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable— excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” I decided I would give these words a home. I just free styled it onto the background of my page. Nothing to complicated or “clean”. I never worry about those things. Paint is messy and I love that about it. So these words however messy looking, they mean more to me having written them out with my carefree writing. Just a paint brush and paint. it’s art 🙂
Supply list: Elle’s Studio journaling spots, acrylic paints (variety), white gesso, black india ink, paint brush, stencils (random), water mug, spray paints (variety), white card stock paper, typewriter, fine point sharpie and sewing machine
ABOUT DEBEE: Hello, I’m Debee and I’m an art lover 🙂 I am married to my most favorite person in the whole wide world, Mr. Handsome. I love making art in my studio and enjoy spray painting anything I can get my hands on 🙂 Life is a sweeter place with pretty paper, starbucks and some modest mouse blaring through the speakers. I often frequent thrift stores, anthropologie, and take pictures for added inspiration. I’m a daydreamer at heart and enjoy pouring out my passion for art onto paper. xoxo