Posts Tagged: “project life”


Today I am sharing a Project Life spread featuring the Cienna Collection! I can’t get enough of Cienna lately!  It is a perfect collection to not only document Spring, but also the Wedding Season! We have had a big month within my family.  Last weekend my brother got married!  It was a wonderful weekend celebrating…


Today I am sharing a spread that covers our Spring Break Week (roughly Friday March 27-Saturday April 4).  I am happy with this method of not being so strict with one spread representing one calendar week.  I love having the vacation represented on one full page instead of worrying about the calendar dates.Our Spring Break…


Today I am sharing how I documented Easter using pocket style pages! One thing that I love about this method of scrapbooking is that even if I am a little bit behind I can jump ahead, document something that is most current, and go back and fill in the gaps later.  I find I am…


Today I am sharing a pocket page spread that highlights my daughter’s recent birthday party! A few weeks ago I documented two weeks in one spread, and today I am highlighting one day in a spread.  That’s what’s so great about the pocket page scrapbooking– there are no set rules in how you formulate the…


Today we have two Project Life spreads from design team members Jessy Christopher and Pam Llaguno. Jessy Christopher created this beautiful layout:   Jessy used the “Project Life Design F” pages for her layouts. She shares, “Such a fun spread to put together. I got the pocket cards completed pretty fast, simply because the colours in most of…


Today I am sharing the week of February 2-8, and the week of February 9-15.Do you ever have weeks where you hardly pick up the camera?  Whether it’s because you are so busy, it slips your mind, or if you’re in a bit of a slump, it happens to all of us!  Just because there…


Today I am sharing the week of January 26-February 1 in my Project Life album. I don’t know about you, but this has been a really long (and cold) winter for us in the Midwest.  I am seriously craving some spring colors to remedy the winter “blahs”.  Well Elle’s Studio’s new collection CIENNA is the…


Today we are sharing two Project Life Spreads from Design Team Members Alissa Fast and Jennifer Chapin! First, Alissa is sharing a spread in her 6×8 album. I am continuing to LOVE the 6×8 size for my Project Life this year. It’s so easy to keep up and yet I can get just as many…


Today I want to share a Valentine’s spread that I created for my daughter’s childhood album. If you have a child in school I can probably guess what you have been doing this week.  Lots of Valentine’s and class parties!  It has been the same in our household this week— Valentine’s Day is so much…


Today I am sharing the week of January 12-18th in my 2015 Project Life album. I created this spread to document the entire week (instead of a few days as I have done in past spreads), and it felt good to be working on a weekly basis.   It’s been a busy season in our…