Category: Pocket Pages

Creating a Statement Title with Pocket Page Layouts

Let’s talk Halloween pockets today to continue Halloween week! Halloween memories bring a LOT of photos—blame it on cute costumes and trick-or-treating moments—and pockets are the perfect way to document them quickly and easily! Today Steph Grimes is with us to share how you can take those pockets to the next level by creating a…

Thankful for Fall Moments with Sabrina Poole

Do you love fall photo sessions!? All of the warm colors and falling leaves certainly create the perfect backdrop to document the here and now, and our October 2019 Kit and add-ons will coordinate with your photos perfectly, as design team member Sabrina Poole is showing us in a new pocket page today! Let’s take…

Home Sweet Home with Patricia Roebuck

Autumn is a time where we start celebrating being at home—making it comfy and cozy for the change in season, getting it prepped for upcoming holidays, and Patricia Roebuck has a homey pocket page featuring our new Home Wood Veneers that we think you will just love! Let’s take a look. Happy fall, Elle’s Studio…

A Colorful September Spread with Sabrina Poole

Our September kit and add-ons sure were full of deep and rich colors, and today Sabrina Poole is here to share how she used each and every one of them on her latest pocket page spread to record her month of September! Let’s take a look at which tag from the September 2019 Kit inspired…

Documenting Transitions with Jess Forster

Hi, friends! It’s Jess with you today! Last week, my youngest kiddo, Sam, started junior kindergarten—insert sad tear emoji! Yes, it’s hard to believe that he is old enough to go to school; however, regardless of the shock I am in, I feel like now that I have two kids attending the same school, I…

A Pop of Color Using Digitals with Kristina Proffitt

When your project is missing some graphic touch, or needs a pop of color somewhere, why not turn to Elle’s Studio digital cut files to find what you need to add that finishing touch? Cut from any type of cardstock or patterned paper to coordinate with your project and add a custom element! That’s what…

Summer Memory Wrap-Up with Magical Memories and Patricia Roebuck

Our Magical Memories collection isn’t just for your theme park photos—this versatile, colorful collection is perfect for recording your best summer memories, and now that the change in season is upon us, this is the best time to get those memories recorded! Let’s take a look at how Patricia Roebuck is doing that in pockets…

Wrapping Up Summer with Kristina Proffitt

With summer winding to an end, these last few weeks are a great time to reflect, look over our summer photos and figure out how we’re going to document those long, hot days! Why not try a pocket page? Today Kristina Proffitt is here to inspire us to document the summer fun that we’ve had…

Pocket Page Style: An Analogous Colour Scheme with Jess Forster

I’ve said it before and I will say it again: I LOVE the bright colours in Elle’s Studio products! The July 2019 Kit and add-ons are a feast for the eyes and today I am here to show you how I used an analogous colour scheme to document my son’s summer birthday.  Supplies | July…

Patriotic Pockets with Sabrina Poole

Most of us just celebrated the 4th of July, and maybe you have a collection of photos on your phone or DSLR of picnics, patriotic decorations and fireworks! How will you document them? Today Sabrina Poole is with us to share how she documented her holiday, and we know that it will inspire you to…