Hello, friends! We are so excited to bring fresh, colorful spring project inspiration to your screens today, created by our talented design team! Whether you are still waiting on your April 2020 kit and add-ons to arrive, or are still waiting to hit “purchase” on your cart contents, you’ll want to save these project images for later when you sit down to create! Let’s take a look!

Piecing It by Suzanna Lee – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, April 2020 Cut Files, Favorite Printables, April Labels, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Life Right Now Stickers, This Week Chipboard Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Tiny Shapes and Dots Puffy Stickers, Flourish 6 x 8.5 Paper Stack, Typewriter Alphabet Stamp

L.B.J. Wildflower Center by Meghann Andrew – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Favorite Printables, Plant Lady Journaling Tags, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Life Right Now Stickers, Jane Alphabet Stickers — Navy, This Week Chipboard Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Spring Wood Veneers, Springtime 6 x 6 Paper Stack, Typewriter Alphabet Stamp, Title Builder Vol. 4 Stamp, Mini Dated Extras Stamp

Lovely by Jennifer McMurtrey – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, April 2020 Cut Files, This Week Chipboard Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Springtime Tabs Stamp

April Pockets pocket page spread by Amy Jo Vanden Brink – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Plant Lady Journaling Tags, Basic Grid Journaling Tags, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, This Week Chipboard Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Spring Wood Veneers

Work in Progress pocket page spread by Stacie Watson – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Flourish 6 x 8.5 Paper Stack, Springtime Tabs Stamp, Typewriter Alphabet Stamp

Self Care traveler’s notebook spread by Steph Grimes – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Office Label Stickers, Flourish 6 x 8.5 Paper Stack, Typewriter Alphabet Stamp, Springtime Tabs Stamp, Everyday Tabs Metal Die, Title Builder Vol. 4 Stamp

Sunshine & Smiles pocket page by Candace Perkins – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Spring Wood Veneers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Flourish 6 x 8.5 Paper Stack

Spring by Melissa Mann – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Life Right Now Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers

Enjoying This Moment traveler’s notebook spread by Marsha Farris – supplies used | April 2020 Kit, Plant Lady Journaling Tags, Beautiful Day Die Cuts, Life Right Now Stickers, Lovely Puffy Stickers, Spring Wood Veneers, Flourish 6 x 8.5 Paper Stack, Springtime Tabs Stamp, Everyday Tabs Metal Die, Typewriter Alphabet Stamp
Be sure to watch our blog all week for more design team projects to inspire you to create when your kit arrives—and when you do, be sure to share your project on social media using the hashtag #EllesStudio! We’d love to see your work, and you could win a $10 gift certificate to the shop just for sharing!