Today we have a fun FREE banner download that you can download, print out and create! I’ve put together a small tutorial on how I put our banner together, but really you could do it any way you choose!
To put the banner together like shown in this tutorial, you’ll need the following supplies:
Tulle or ribbon
Two print outs of the free download
Pop-up dots
Hole puncher
1. Print out the banner file twice.
2. Cut one set of the banner out along the colored edges like the photo below.

3. Cut out your other set along the black edges, like the photo below.

4. On the first set of cut outs, punch holes in the top corners. This will be where you string the tulle or ribbon through.

5. Take your Pop-Up dots and stick them on each piece of the banner.

7. Take the pieces you cut out from step 3 and put them on top of your pieces with the colored edges. This will create a 3D effect and gives your a banner a little extra detail.

8. Layout all your pieces and get the spacing the way you’d like it once hung.

9. Take your tulle or ribbon and start from the center out. This will help in making sure your banner is centered on your tulle or ribbon!

10. Ta da! You could add buttons, glitter, etc. to this, too! The possibilities are endless!

We hung ours in our window – love it!
{the free download is a pdf file that requires Adobe Acrobat to open. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader you can download it here for free}
We hope you enjoy the free banner download today! If you make one we’d love to see it – please feel free to upload it to our
flickr gallery!
We’ll see you tomorrow with more fun!
XO, Elle
P.S. If you haven’t had a chance to enter the giveaways from Day 1 and Day 2 please do! All winners will be drawn on the 24th 🙂