First, have you seen nanibird.com? These adorable birds are available for download and make an awesome paper project. So fun to watch them come together and so cute!! They looks so cute on my “bark” bird house! LOL!
Now… for the second project… Turn a canvas into a picture memory board! I can never seem to find the correct color combo or size when I’m looking to buy one. And, I wanted to get one for my mom, for Mother’s Day and fill it with photos – but I couldn’t find one that would match with her decor! So… I made one! It’s really simple and easy, too! Here’s the steps:

You’ll need paint, ribbon, brads and a canvas board. Be prepared to give the board around 3 to 4 coats of paint if you are going with a darker color!

Paint the board 🙂

Now, this is the hardest part! I wish I had some sort of mathematical way of figuring it out – but I don’t 🙁 So… Lay the ribbons down to match the pattern above. You’ll want to criss cross the ribbons.
At each ribbon criss cross, take an exacto knife and punch through both ribbons and the canvas.
Insert brads!
Turn over and flatten the brads out.
Last, you have to deal with those ribbon ends. I planned just to glue them down on the back side. I recommend using a hot glue gun for this step!
And, you’re done! Add photos, maybe even some scrapbooking embellishments and TA DA!! It’s finished!! The brads really add a lot to the project, too! I chose the ones with rhinestones in them to give them extra shine and sparkle! I hope my Mom loves her present!!
Oh! And, if you haven’t seen this project – you MUST go check it out NOW!!
Danielle Thompson made these and she has an awesome and detailed tutorial at her blog.
WOW! Thank you everyone for joining the party!! This is so much fun!!!! I’m going to go look at each of your favorite sites now – can’t wait to see them all!!
The winner from the last post – by random number is……………
Laurie said…
Here is my favorite!http://www.allthingscupcake.com/:D
Please pick out any three items from the
shop and email me your choices with you address!
ALSO! Now is the time to start emailing in your questions for me for the Q & A at 12:00 noon! You can ask me any question you’d like. I’ll answer as many as possible but can’t guarantee I’ll answer them all… My email address can be found in my profile page 🙂