This week and weekend were crazy, but fun! I got about 3 inches of hair cut off, and LOVE IT! My sister cuts hair and did it for me, super stylish!! “Do you LOVE it? Or, do you LOVE it?”
On Saturday, my friend and I went to the Japanese Gardens in Seattle. It was a beautiful day but unfortunitely nothing was in bloom except the one dogwood tree above! They had a pond with Koi fish in it and they were the largest fish I have every seen!! It was actually kinda scary and when the got close I felt like they were going to jump out and bite me! I mean really… what are they feeding these things anyways?
HAPPY 4th EVERYONE!! Have a safe and happy one!!!
I’ll be celebrating with the day off and relaxing with the family. After that, it’s back to work, work and more work! I have a couple of large deadlines coming up, that would explain the lack of posts lately! And the lack of new designs in the shop… but new designs will be coming soon… hopefully this weekend? Now that’s wishful thinking!!