We are so excited to welcome you to our party: Document December Prep Party, that is! We have less than three weeks before December 1st, and our team is ready to inspire you to get prepared for one of our biggest projects of the year: Document December! This week we’re hearing from Melissa Mann, who has her album selected and some of the most important details in place! Let’s take a look at how Melissa is getting ready for December 1st using our Document December goodies!
This is Melissa here with you this morning and I’m sharing a few things that I’ve done to prep my album for documenting all of the holiday merriment in December!

I’m using a 6″x8″ album this year and am looking forward to jumping back in the pocket page style of memory keeping for December! I have created my first couple of pages in my album for this year using acetate and vellum. I have always loved the effect that both of these mediums have for documenting the holidays and will definitely be including them again in this year’s album.

To start my album, I cut out a semi-circle in pattern paper from the Wonder Paper Stack. I punched holes down the straight side and then cut out a bigger circle in the middle. I layered acetate between the two patterned papers and then adhered the December 2021 Cork on top. This allowed me to “peek” through to the next page.

For the next page, I simply cut out twelve 2 inch blocks of vellum and using the Large Star Jane Alphabet and Number Stamp, I stamped out “DECEMBER 2021” and slipped each block inside one of the pockets. I added the December calendar from the Document December 2021 Kit into the next pocket page and I plan to use that page to type out my reason for documenting the season on it.

I have also created filler journaling cards for my album. I really, really love holiday music and on two of the 4 x 6 inch journaling cards from the Document December 2021 Kit, I typed out the lyrics to two of my favorite Christmas carols. I layered stamping on these cards using several of the new holiday stamps: Holiday Shapes Stamp, Happy Holiday Stamp and Merry Christmas Stamp.

I also stamped a bunch of images and text using the Happy Holiday Stamp on one of the 3 x 4 inch journaling cards from the Document December 2021 Kit. I LOVE this look and plan on incorporating several of these into my album this year.

This year, I’m organizing all my supplies in a plastic container I found at Target for a few bucks. I love how I can store all of my products in this container and still see everything, plus it keeps it all together in one place!

How are you planning to document this year? Have you started to plan your album? We would love to see how you are prepping the new 2021 Elle’s Studio Document December goodies in your album! Thanks for stopping by!

Join us next week to find out how another team member is getting prepared for Document December, and until then, join us in our Facebook Group to share YOUR ideas, tips and inspiration for this joyful project!