We had an amazing time at CKC – thank you all SO much who visited us at our booth! It was so fun getting to meet and talk with everyone, we had a blast!
Here are a couple photos of our booth, they are the only two we took! I’m not sure why we didn’t take more… next year we will! And, maybe even hang our own curtain to over up the shows teal and white one, LOL! Here’s the first half:And, the second half:
Our booth was located across from Melissa Frances beautiful booth. We got to meet her and make a Make and Take with her!! So much fun!!
We can’t believe it’s already over – this weekend went so fast! We are hoping to do it next year and see you all again!
Thank you so much for making it an amazing time!!
xo, Elle
p.s. Don’t forget! Tomorrow is the deadline for the Design Team applications! If you are thinking about applying and haven’t, please do! And, thank you to all who have applied – we are excited to start going through them all!