Congrats to this week’s Project Spotlight winner, Krystyn! Check your email for your $10 Elle’s Studio gift certificate to use in our shop! This awesome mini album she created of her family’s vacation is packed full of Elle’s Studio goodies! It includes our 2013 October Kit, May & June 2014 Kits, Saltwater Tabs & Frames, and our Everyday Moments journaling tags. Head on over to her gallery to check it out and you can even add it to your favorites by logging into your account and clicking on the “I (heart) this!” button.
You never know when your project will be chosen to be spotlighted! Each week we pick a new project out of our member gallery to spotlight. For your chance to be spotlighted and to win a $10 Elle’s Studio gift certificate, just upload your project to our member gallery and tag the Elle’s Studio item(s) used