Project Life

Welcome to another week of Project Life at Elle’s Studio!

This week’s Project Life covers the week of September 10-16th.

This week my focus was to go a little more in-depth in my journaling.  I am trying to do less of a “this is what we did approach” and really focus on telling deeper stories in my Project Life album.   
I used my 3×4 journaling spots to share a little bit more about what is going on during this week.  I touched on the fact that my daughter has resisted wanting to go to preschool this year.  Something that came unexpectedly and we are working through.   I also shared about how she asked about 9-11 and that moment when I had to give her a (very watered down) explanation of what happened that day eleven years ago.
I included an insert for just our weekend, so that I could tell more stories.  We went to a political event and my husband and brother had an opportunity to pray over a candidate for US Senate from my state.  It was a powerful moment and I went in to detail about what happened that night.  Often when I go into more detail on a journaling card I end up using the backside as well.
The back-side of the insert showcases a milestone for my son- he learned to ride his bike with no training wheels that weekend.  I shared about the story of how he learned to ride a bike.

The right hand page shows two specific photos that I told a different story than expected.  The top right is a picture of my daughter asleep on the couch at my husband’s work.  Instead of stating just that, I shared that this was the hour before her ballet class (which is now in the afternoon this year).  There has been a big shift in our after school activities and it’s been an adjustment for our family!

And finally, we took the first trip to our new library since moving. I made a list of all the books the kids picked out to checkout.  I know it will be fun and interesting to look back and see what book choices they made.

Today we have a giveaway!   Leave a comment here for a chance to win an Elle’s Studio Prize Pack.  The winner will be announced next Tuesday!

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life album are created by Becky and can be found here.  You can read of all the Elle’s Studio Project Life posts here.
