Project Life

It’s Tuesday, which means another week of Project Life at Elle’s Studio!  This week covers the week of May 21-27.

Two weeks ago I mentioned that I had concluded my first Project Life book for 2012 (I am guessing I can fit the whole year into three books), so this was the first week in a new album.  Which means a new cover page!

I didn’t feel the need to go into as much detail as my REAL cover page for 2012, so an enlarged photo was perfect for this spot.   I took this photo with my iPhone, sent it through Instagram, and then printed a 12×12 photo at (Amazing an iPhone photo can look this great).  I LOVE how it turned out–it’s perfect for the beginning of summer.  I imagine I will do something similar for my next book.  I kept it simple with adding chipboard stickers for the year and Elle’s new Summer Lovin’ Pennants.

And here is the actual spread for the week.  This week was actually the first week of summer for us, so it works out perfectly in my album!   This week was full of activities– strawberry picking, visiting the zoo, going to the park and pool, and Indy 500 festivities.

I tried something new this week and split an Instagram photo (4×4) into the 3×4 pockets.  I like the way it turned out and really like that I now have a new option for where I showcase my Instagram photos!

This was my first week using the Summer Lovin’ line in my Project Life.  It’s the perfect combo of Summer themed AND everyday theme– just perfect.   I think you will find it as one of your favorite go-to items as you document this summer! 🙂

Congrats to Kristen Williamson, you won last week’s giveaway! Please email [email protected] the following info to claim your prize:

Contest: PL June 5
Prize: $10

We are giving away another $10 Elle’s Studio Gift Certificate!  Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win– we will announce the winner next Tuesday

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life album are created by Becky and can be found here.  You can read of all the Elle’s Studio Project Life posts here.
