(Don’t worry, your eyes are not deceiving you. It IS actually Monday, but we are sharing Project Life a day early due to a fun post scheduled for tomorrow:)
One of the things I love most about Project Life is the ability to change things up each and every week. Each week is a clean slate. Each week is an opportunity to try something new or different as you approach documenting that particular week.
For me, this week was all about SIMPLE. I was inspired by Elise’s interview “not to reinvent the wheel” and to just document what went on. Sure, there are weeks were I have more time to be intricate in my Project Life design, and I LOVE looking back on those weeks.
But equally, I LOVE looking back at a week where I know we were really busy, but I still made it a point to document. Sometimes I think we tell ourselves that a busy week must be documented as an abundance of photos/momentos/embellishments/inserts in Project Life. That simply isn’t true.
Because of our busy week, I kept it simple with photos and minimal embellishments and tags. I certainly could have spent the time to “add more” embellishments, details, and maybe even an insert. However, I decided what I have here is perfect because it accomplishes my goal of documenting our week. Sometimes done is better than “perfect”.
We have a few winners to announce from previous giveaways! Congrats to Emily Mae the winner of Elise’s favorite products, and congrats to Laura O’Donnell the winner of our 4/17 Project Life giveaway. Please send an email to [email protected] with the following info:
Prize (Elise’s Giveaway or 4/17 Project Life)
We are giving away another $10 Elle’s Studio Gift Certificate! Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win– we will announce the winner next Tuesday!
Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life album are created by Becky and can be found here. You can read of all the Elle’s Studio Project Life posts here.
