My grandpa once told me that “We all make time for what’s important. If it is important enough, we will find the time to do it”. He is so right. Ever since that day, I have tried my hardest to make a conscious effort to juggle my schedule to fit in the “important things”. And, I’ve found that most days don’t require any juggling, they just require my decision to do it.
When my nephew was born I knew I wanted to make sure I took time for him so he would know and understand how important he was to me. I wanted to make sure he always knew I would drop anything for him, and that I treasure every minute with him.
One of the things I do almost 5 days a week is take time to eat lunch with him. I consider myself extremely lucky that we all live so close to each other. Most of the time, we find ourselves at my mom’s (his grandma) house. It’s so special getting to spend that time with him, my mom and my sister.
I have got to see him go from eating baby food, to table food and sneak him little bites of some sweet treats along the way. Things I would have missed out on if I wouldn’t make that conscious decision, on those 5 days a week, to stop and join them for lunch. Those memories are so special to me, memories that I will always treasure and I owe a huge thank you to my Grandpa.
P.S. Did you spot some of the new tags in the layout above? We got some proofs back from the printers on Friday and had to try some of them out Make sure you are on our newsletter list to receive an email when the new tags are live and stay tuned for our launch date announcement that should be coming soon!