My mom made this super sweet Valentine tree and I had to share it with you! She bought the pink tree at Michael’s (local craft store) “after Christmas” sale. It’s the perfect pink color and even lights up!
Then she found these little felt hearts at Michael’s – they have a sticky back.She peeled the backing off two matching hearts, looped twine and laid in on one side, along with some extra glue.
Then, she laid the matching heart on top!
Perfect little ornaments for the tree! Here’s a closer look:
She also made a matching garland to hang on her window! Love how cute and little it is!
And, if all of this isn’t cute enough, the tree has a matching tree skirt that she made! Eeeek!!
How amazing is that?! So much fun! I don’t know what she’ll do when Valentine’s Day is over… maybe an Easter tree?!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope everyone has a fun and crafty weekend!
xo, Elle
p.s. Guess what?! This is our 600th post! Woohoooo!!