Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is a tradition that I’ve been doing for as long as I can remember and it’s one of my favorite traditions that I look forward to all year long! It’s amazing that such a simple gift can have such a large impact on a child’s life. It’s so fun to go shopping, take your goodies home and pack your shoebox, knowing that some child is going to receive this gift – and for some children, it’s the first gift they have ever received… in their entire life.

This project is so simple, too! Our church recommends these plastic shoeboxes so then the box, itself, becomes a gift. I found them at Walmart for about $1 each. These plastic containers also protect the contents against water damage and can be used in the future to store other things. But, a simple cardboard shoebox works, too!
I love going shopping for the items! First you pick either boy or girl – I did one for each. Then, you pick an age group and purchase items based around your choices.

Every year I try to include some basic items like: a bar of soap, toothpaste and a toothbrush, some hard candy, etc., for both the boys and girls.
Then, from there, I like to do things like crayons, puzzles, watercolors, playing cards, beads, jump-ropes and a fun toy!
I can’t imagine what joy this gift will bring to a child, and I’m so thankful for the entire Samaritan’s Purse operation – it’s really incredible!

You can visit the Samaritan’s Purse website for more information on how to pack your box, and find a drop off location near your home! Collection week is November 15th – 22nd and they collect all over the world! And, remember… EVERY BOX makes a difference!
