I live at a small island outside the west coast of Norway with my husband and our two kids aged five and nine.
Right now I am a student, working on my Masters degree in Media while freelancing for my local newspaper as a photojournalist and doing occasional photosessions/weddings in between. Yep, I’m another one of those scrapbookers with fancy camera and hopes of becoming a (press)photographer. Working a year as the photographer for the local newspaper confirmed that it’s indeed what I want to work with when I finish my MA, at least 🙂
Visit Anne Jo’s blog, here!What is your current favorite color combo?
White, black, turquoise! And if it shimmers I’m happy! 🙂
What is your favorite scrapbooking supply?
Right now I am weak for mist or paint splatters of any kind, and to use my babystapler on everything 🙂
Why do you scrapbook and how did you get started?
Like most scrapbookers it started w/a need to do something “more” with the pictures I had to take of my kids – but soon turned into a “mommy-needs-her-creative-outlet-time” which just had the added bonus of documenting the kids every now and then. I.e., something I started to do for the children turned into something I need to do for myself. Googling “scrapbooking” because I had a vague idea it might be just what I was looking for for the pictures from my daughters christening apparently sealed my fate. Darn you google! :pWho inspires you?
Oh, there are so many..but why don’t I share some fellow Norwegian scrapbookers with you here; Bibbi, Ingvild, Gudrun, Carrin, HegeAL, Lula are a few of my favorites…and my RL friends whom mostly used to scrapbook but knit or crochet these days – they still inspire me when we once in a while actually get to scrap together…! 🙂
What is your favorite thing about scrapbooking?
Seeing my kids look at what I make/have made and “ooing” and “aahing” because mommy made something involving themselves. I dunno, maybe it gives them extra confidence when they see mom spend lots of time making stuff with their pictures..? (at least for now, until they grow into the awkward “stop-it-leave-me-alone-mommy”-phase :p)
Thank you so much for sharing with us today, Anne Jo! It was fun getting to learn more about you and it’s been great having you apart of our team! We are honored to have you with us!