Today’s the day I get to share the inside base of my December Daily! This weekend we had perfect picture taking weather so I took full advantage of it 🙂 There’s a ton of photos here and I’ll try to include as many details as possible, but if you have any questions please leave them in the comments section and I’ll answer them there!
While creating this album I tried to keep it as simple as possible, knowing that this is just the base and lots of embellishments can/will be added later. Some pages I did front + back, some I did not. I really wanted to go for a homemade look and tried not to get to technical or caught up in the details. For example, when cutting each page I didn’t measure. I wanted each page to be different so it would have a really layered look when finished.
Also, most of our number tags are only slightly tacked down with removable adhesive so I can put them on top of a photo or journaling that I’ll be adding later.
Please refer to this post to read about the cover, plus how I came up with the size for my album. Page 1 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + Ali Edwards December Daily Overlays
Page 2 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers, The Girls’ Paperie Chipboard Alpha, and Christmas Wrap Paper Tape
Page 3 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers, Echo Park Sticker + paper and 7Gypsies Paper Tape (A large photo will attach to this, behind the embellishments)
Page 4 +5 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + American Crafts Page Protector (cut down)
Page 6 + 7 | I did a tiny bit of planning here – the first weekend in December is always the week we put our tree up, so I made sure I planned for this while putting these pages together.
Page 6 +7 inside | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers (I didn’t adhere them yet, I will after I put in the photos from the weekend. )
Page 8 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + one of our Christmas Flashcards
Page 9 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + The Girls Paperie paper and trim (I only tacked the 9 to the page with a tiny bit of removable adhesive. The 9 will go on top of a photo that fits into this space.)
Page 10 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers and Christmas Journaling tag + Ali Edwards December Daily Overlays
Page 11 + 12 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + American Crafts Page Protector (cut down)
Page 13 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers, Echo Park paper and a Crate Paper Snowy Days embellishment (A large photo will attach to this, behind the embellishments)
Page 14 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers, found objects and We R Memory Keepers Page Protector (cut down)
Page 15 | The Girls’ Paperie Chipboard Alpha, our Christmas Journaling tag, and K & Company Glad Tidings Snowflakes
Page 15 is also a pocket! Can’t wait to see what it will hold 🙂
Page 16 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + a piece of translucent plastic that I’ve been holding on to forever because I loved it so much! I can’t remember who made it though!
Page 17 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + Crate Paper Chipboard Embellishment
Page 18 | Ali Edwards December Daily Overlays, Crate Paper Chipboard Embellishment and our Holiday Story Journaling Tag (the top of the “tradition” tag is not glued down so the photo can slide under it)
Page 19 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + The Girls’ Paperie Poinsettia Flower
Page 20 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + Crate Paper Chipboard Embellishment
Page 21 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers + Christmas Journaling Tag (the Christmas Journaling Tag can still be pulled out so extra journaling can go on it!)
Page 22 | Ali Edwards December Daily Overlays + Crate Paper Chipboard Embellishment
Page 23 | The Girls’ Paperie Chipboard Alpha, our Holiday Snowflake Tag
Page 23 is also a pocket!
Page 24 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers. Christmas Tiny Tags and a Holiday Story Tag
We have a lot of activity at our house during Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Because of this, I’ll want to include a little of everything, so I added some extra photo pages and kept the design simple, just in case it needs to be altered later 😉
Page 25 | Our Christmas Mix & Match Numbers (Not glued down yet. I’ll probably tuck this tag behind a photo for some hidden journaling, but we’ll see!)
That’s it for now! I haven’t decided if I’ll do the entire month or just the 25 days, so we’ll see! Also, I’ve gathered a small box of items that will be my go-to items for finishing this booklet during December. I find that keeping coordinating items in front of me while working on a project helps me stay focused and get it finished! I’ll share my box of goodies later this week! There’s lots of our other Christmas tags in it for embellishing 😉
Thanks for stopping by and letting me share this with you today!
xo, Elle