We have a super-duper exciting blog challenge for you this month! We have teamed up with Operation Write Home to do a card contest – kind of like the one we did back in November! Our combined total in November, that was sent in by our readers, was 348! That is an amazing number and we are hoping we can do it again… or even more, this time!
The way this challenge will work: Create a big or little bunch of cards (Very important: no glitter can be used on the cards) and then mail them in to Operation Write Home with our packing slips (mailing address are on the packing slips) CARDS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY APRIL 19th. You will receive one entry into our drawing for every card you create. The ladies that help run Operation Write Home will then tally each batch of cards they receive and send me a detailed list of who sent what. From that list we’ll be drawing TWO winners that will each receive a $30 gift certificate to our store on April 25th!
Don’t forget to photograph your cards, too, and link us up to them in the comment section or by email. We’d love to feature them on our follow-up post, when we announce the winner, on April 25th.
Alright, are you excited?! Personally, I LOVE this organization! They send all the cards to our troops who are overseas. The troops can then use these cards to send back home to their family and loved ones. Sometimes, these special cards are the only thing our troops have to write on! Some are stationed in areas where there isn’t even a store to purchase a card or paper. Plus, everyone knows how special it feels to get a card from a loved one, but imagine getting a card from a loved one who is so far away, maybe otherwise unreachable by phone or email?!
We’ve got some inspiration from our Design Team to help you get started! We’ll start with Samantha’s cards:These ares are so clever! They use our 2010 Vintage 3 x 3 Calendar tags and Samantha says that you can make them in advance and they just circle the date of the birthday when you go to mail them! Love that!!
Next, we have two cute ones from Laurie:These are both so fun! I love how she used our Star stamp and made an embellishment with the other stars! And, the pink and red “I love you” card is just beautiful!
Thank you so much for your inspiration, ladies! So perfect 🙂
Now… are you ready to get started on yours? We have answered a couple questions below – if you have any more please post them in the comment section and we’ll answer them asap!
We are so excited to be doing this again! And, remember, even if you can only make one card, that one card will touch someones life out there 🙂 Every card counts!!
xo, Elle
P.S. We’d LOVE extra help in spreading the word about our contest! Thanks so much!!
How do you enter?
For every card you make and send in to Operation Write Home (postmarked by April 19th) with our packing slip, you’ll receive one entry into our drawing. Two people will each win a $30 gift certificate to our store!
Do I have to include an envelope?
They have A2 envelopes, already! So, if you make your card A2 size (4.25 x 5.5 inches) you don’t have to worry about the envelope! But, if you make an odd size card, please make an envelope to match.
What about a donation?
Although a donation is not required, it is greatly appreciated. Even if it’s just a dollar, that dollar helps with shipping costs and purchasing more envelopes.
Cards are made! Now what do I do?
Print this packing slip and fill it out. This packing slip is very important in order for you to gain entries into the contest. Pack your cards and packing slip into an envelope or box, along with a dollar or two if you can, and ship them to Operation Write Home (shipping addresses are on the packing slip). CARDS MUST BE POSTMARKED BY APRIL 19th!
Operation Write Home will be keeping track of all our cards and entries and sending us the list to draw the names from.
Don’t forget, we’d love to show what was sent in, in our normal 25th follow-up post! Take a photo of the cards before you send them in and link us up in the comment section below.
What card themes are they looking for?
Operation Write Home’s blog is a great place to find the most up-to-date information on what themes they are running low on. They also report every Thursday on the cards they have received, so you can look for your name and make sure they got your package!
Most important to remember! NO GLITTER!!! At all!! Double check your supplies before you start so you don’t accidentally use some!