I’m writing a more personal blog post tonight 🙂 There has been so much going on around here it’s been crazy, but we are still having a blast!
My mom called me earlier this week and wanted to know if I would come over and help her dye Easter eggs! I could hardly wait for the weekend!My mom and I had a blast dying the eggs – we dyed some for my grandparents, dad and me… the only egg eaters in the family. She had bought the kit with the “glittery spray” but it didn’t really work to well… so we tried some other things! She then put them on this cute plate and made it all pretty for my grandparents 🙂
After that, I went back to the studio to do a little catching up – we have some more fun coming, soon! First, we have put together a VERY LIMITED quantity of Grab Bags that will go up for sale first thing Monday morning. They are packed full of items at AMAZING prices but extremely limited! They will go live 8:00 am PST time.
And, another exciting thing is we are in the final proofing stages for our new items! We have set a tentative launch date for mid April – should have a more exact date very soon 🙂 We can’t wait! Look out for sneak peeks coming soon!
Hope everyone is having an amazing weekend! Our last raffle drawing is tomorrow and we decided to make it a HUGE one! We’ll be drawing five names, instead of just three 🙂
xo, Elle