We had a blast this summer documenting our time with you guys – so much fun that it’s sad to see the summer come to an end 🙁 But, new seasons are ahead and making this summer mini has got us really looking forward to doing a December Daily mini 🙂
Here’s what our album ended up looking like:And, here a two more pages that we haven’t shown yet! We used the pocket and tag from our Digital Download.
We backed the pocket on brown cardstock so it would fit in our minis on the binder rings
And, put some pictures in the pocket, but added little pull tabs so they can be removed easily:
And, added a large picture on the left! I love adding larger photos to mini books. It really changes it up and adds character to the book!
Another page we added was on Pike Place Market in Seattle. We used the little postcard from the digital download and made a pocket with the photo that it slides into:
Also, I love adding little envelopes with special items sealed inside. This is a glassine envelope, so it’s a tiny bit see through.
So many memories! We had a blast this summer, but the best part was getting to enjoy it with family and friends! Now, all the new memories we made we will never forget!
We’d love to see your mini or layouts for summer! Please feel free to link us up in the comment section – we’d love to do a post that features them all!!
Can’t wait to start on my next mini!
xo, Elle