Journaling Tag Bookmark Tutorial by Martha BonneauSupplies needed: Assorted journaling tags, 10″ of coordinating ribbon, 2 color coordinated, buttons and alpha stickers
Step 1: Use alpha stickers to add a phrase to your journaling tag

Step 2: Cut a slit in the top and the bottom of the journaling tag, cut just a little longer than width of your ribbon

Step 3: Thread ribbon through slit from front to back. Sew button on each end of ribbon.

Step 4: Insert bookmark in your favorite book!
Thanks so much, Martha, for this super cute and inspiring tutorial! I’m so excited to spice up my old bookmarks and even make some for my nieces and nephews! Maybe even a special one for my Mom for Mother’s Day! I hope you all enjoy the tutorial, too! And have fun making some bookmarks 🙂
Don’t forget about the super sneak peak giveaway on Saturday, April 18th! We are soooo excited to share the new items we’ve been working on over the last couple of months!