I have some good news 🙂 and some bad news 🙁 The good news first! Two brand new Halloween sets of tags are in the shop and in our etsy store! These were so much fun to design!

And, we have a couple winners to announce:
The winner of our monthly flicker contest is:

And, we have a couple winners to announce:
The winner of our monthly flicker contest is:

by sophiesim
Congrats, Sophie! What a beautiful layout!! Head on over to the shop and pick out two items you’d like, then send me an email (email can be found in profile) with your items and address and we’ll get them out asap! The September contest starts now. Anyone can upload their layout, cards, minis, etc. to our flickr group and you are entered!
Also, we have two winners from the “The first sneak peek” post! They are:
Simona on September 3, 2008 1:32 AM
Simona on September 3, 2008 1:32 AM
Lynsey on September 5, 2008 11:55 AM
Send me your address and I’ll get your Halloween sets out asap! Thanks to everyone who entered!!
AND… Stay tuned for our brand new inspiration gallery coming on September 10th!
Now for the bad news 🙁 I am so sad!!! I knew I should not have cut it as close as I did, but taking that vacation kind of set me back with our printers (you have to press proof items while printing and that couldn’t be done while I was away) … on Wednesday everything was approved and printing was spread out from Wednesday through Friday. But, on Friday the printer broke down 🙁 They are having a part sent in asap and it should be fixed on Monday. Since they only got half of the Christmas items printed I think I’ll wait to launch them all at once, instead of doing half and half… I feel so bad, but it will be just a couple more days – I promise!!! They are shooting for Wednesday, but I’ll update as soon as I hear on Monday!
I’ll keep the peek #2 giveaway open below until then, so please keep entering!! So, SOOO sorry everyone!!
XO, Elle
XO, Elle