Blog Link: (personal blog) http://blingonmysewingmachine.blogspot.com
Flickr: http://flickr.com/photos/denbow/
Other link(s): http://www.scrapinstyletv.com/profile_4055.html http://redvelvetgirls.typepad.com/rvkc
When did you start scrapbooking? Who/how did you get interested in it?
I was doing art journals in 2002 when Elsie first asked me to try scrapbooking. I wasn’t interested but she was persistent and I gave in. She gave me a big box of old product and I made my parents an album for their 25th anniversary! I slowly started to recognize my style and which products I worked best with and really became a regular scrapper at the end of 2007.
Do you try to record every moment or just special ones?
I usually just start with pictures that I love and work around them. Its not necessarily even a special moment but it documents the images that I want to remember. I have worked on albums that focused on important events, such as the six months of my son’s life, and the engagement of good friends, but I tend to only work on what is a part of my life at that moment.
What color combo do you love to use lately? I’ve been using the green, blue, brown combo or the green, pink combo on almost everything.
Where does most of your inspiration come from? I get a lot of inspiration from images on flickr. Most of the time I’m getting inspiration in the area of photography or fashion and it somehow triggers something in the crafty part of my brain and I get really motivated to produce something.
The woodgrain tags are my all time favorite!!!