Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and eat lots of turkey (or ham!!) and enjoy the day off! I’ll be eating lots of pumpkin pie 🙂 Yum, can’t wait! It’s so funny/interesting how pumpkin pie only tastes good on Thanksgiving. And, how I only crave it around Thanksgiving time… CRAZY!!
And, in honor of Thanksgiving I thought I’d do a little giveaway! I’m so thankful for all of the people here! These last 7 months or so have been the best ever!! Seriously! I’ve meet so many wonderful, fun, great people that it just amazes me! So, just leave a comment and I will pick one winner on Thursday night who will receive one pack of each of the following from Elle’s Studio:
And, some more fun is right around the corner! Michelle is working her magic with some Elle’s Studio goodies and has a little sneak peak to get us excited!

Make sure you head over to her blog and tell her “Congratulations” because she just got married!! Congrats girl!! And then, check back here soon to see the full showcase!!