Category: Document December

Document December Inspiration: Week 03, Day 02

Our third weekend of Document December inspiration continues with these five team member and contributors today! Use their creative ideas to keep up with this magical project, and have your month recorded in no time! Let’s take a look! Supplies | Document December 2019 Kit, December Date Label Stickers — Green, Wonder Puffy Stickers Supplies | Document…

Document December Inspiration: Week 03, Day 01

Whether you’re busy finishing up your work week, shopping each day to finish off your holiday list, or baking up a storm, we know that you’ll love what our design team is sharing with you this weekend! Let’s start off with these six designers! Supplies | Document December 2019 Kit, Very Merry Phrase Stickers, Good Cheer…

Simple Handmade Gift Tags with Kristina Proffitt

Personalized wrapping puts that special touch on any present, whether store-bought or handmade, and today design team member Kristina Proffitt is with us to share how you can make three different sweet and simple tags with product you have on hand for your Christmas gifts! Let’s take a look: One of my most favorite things…


Welcome to the second day of our Document December weekend inspiration posts! Today we have six more design team members sharing their projects with you, using our Document December products and more from our monthly kit and add-ons! Here’s what they created this week: Supplies | Document December 2019 Kit, Large Jane Alphabet Stamp — Solid Supplies | Document…

Document December Inspiration: Week 02, Day 01

Hello and welcome to week two of our weekend Document December inspiration posts! Our design team has been hard at work documenting the first week of their December, and we hope what they have to share with you helps you get yours documented, too! Let’s take a look: Supplies | Document December 2019 Kit, Good Cheer Acetate…

Document December Inspiration: Week 01, Day 02

Welcome to day two of our first weekend of Document December 2019 inspiration! We hope that these joyful Document December pages from our design team and special guests have you inspired to create today, and document your own December memories! Supplies | Document December 2019 Kit, Christmas Multi Color Puffy Alphabet Stickers, Christmas Shapes and…

Document December Inspiration: Week 01, Day 01

We are so excited to bring you inspiration from our design team each Saturday and Sunday throughout the month of December, helping you to use your Document December supplies and stay on track with this magical project! Whether you’re documenting your month in pocket pages, mini albums or traveler’s notebooks, we have something for you…

Prepping Your Document December Project: Week Four

Today we share four more Document December preparation takes with you today from Wendy, Patricia, Tracey and Meghann! With tomorrow being the first day of December, we encourage you to go about this project with the focus on the memories and holiday photos that you’re going to document, but having a few ideas prepared in…

Prepping Your Document December Project: Week Three

Hey friends! We are another week closer to December, which means that we are that much closer to starting our Document December project! Today we have four more design team members; Daniela, Kristina, Mary-Ann and Jess, to share how they are approaching their projects, and how they’re prepping to make it the best year yet!…

Prepping Your Document December Project: Week Two

We’re back to share some special Document December preparation ideas from our team of talented guest contributors who we are excited to work with our Document December 2019 Kit and add-ons this year! Let’s take a look at how Stacie Chandler, Jen Wong, Victoria Calvin, Neela Nalam, Lisa Varshine, and Leigh Ann Odynski are getting…