Our September kit and add-ons sure were full of deep and rich colors, and today Sabrina Poole is here to share how she used each and every one of them on her latest pocket page spread to record her month of September! Let’s take a look at which tag from the September 2019 Kit inspired her colorful project!
Hi This is Sabrina, and today I have a colorful project to share with you using the September kit and extras! Don’t you just love the rainbow of beautiful colors included in these products? I put together a 9″ x 12″ pocket page spread to document the first half of September in my family’s pocket page album!

Supplies | September 2019 Kit, September Labels, Puffy Autumn Heart Stickers, Small Months of the Year Wood Veneers, Black Puffy Alphabet Stickers, Home Wood Veneers, Happy Moments Puffy Stickers, Life Right Now Acrylic, Home Sweet Home 6 x 6 Paper Stack
My starting point was the multicolor numbered journaling tag from the kit, which set the stage for my multicolored spread! I knew that using this particular card would allow me to use lots of color and would help coordinate the product with my photos, which included a lot of color! I also loved the idea of including eight highlights from the month.

I also decided to use the “life” word from the Life Right Now Acrylic to create a title tag for my page. I decided to outline the acrylic in an orange piece of paper from the Home Sweet Home 6 x 6 Paper Stack. The easiest way to matte this acrylic was to lightly trace the acrylic on the orange paper with pencil, then cut out the pencil outline, leaving a little extra room. I finished the title card with some Black Puffy Alphabet Stickers and a wood veneer “SEP” from the Small Months of the Year Wood Veneers.

This month proved to have a lot of stories even though this spread only covered half of the month. It’s been a busy September so far! I knew I could document all these little stories with the September Labels plus some die cuts from the September Kit. I loved using all of the colors in this spread, and the September kit and the extras made it easy for my spread to come together with everything so perfectly coordinated!

I hope this spread inspires you to try lots of color and to use up your September 2019 Kit, just in time for your October kit to arrive! Have a great week!