There is always something to be thankful for and for some reason, during the fall season, I find myself wanting to reflect on those things. I think it might have a lot to do with the holidays and Thanksgiving 🙂 I also remember seeing others do this last year, and thought it was such a great idea!
My plan is to do a thankful post every Thursday, for the month of October and November! Will you join me? There’s only one rule and that is to write at least one thing you’re thankful for! It doesn’t have to be a huge list, but it can be if you want! Sometimes my thankful posts will include photos, sometimes not. There shouldn’t be too much pressure here – the point is to just get it written down.
MY PARENTS: Who have always encouraged me, even as a young child, to do what ever would make me happy and to follow my dreams. Who have always been there for me. Who have always been able to help me make decisions and weigh the good and the bad. I am so thankful for them.
OUR READERS + FANS: I’m so grateful for each and every one of you that stops by and reads our blog, visits our site and who place an order at our store. We appreciate you so much 🙂
MY HOBBY: I’m so thankful that I’ve found a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy and that can grow with me. I love that scrapbooking allows me to express myself and captures my memories forever.
Now it’s your turn! Either leave a comment with what you’re thankful for or head on over to your blog and blog about something your thankful for. You can even use the image above that we created! Then, come back here and let us know in the comment section so others can see what you’re thankful for, too 🙂