What was the last book that you read that truly moved you? The books that you find memorable can be easily and beautifully documented with our May 2019 Kit and extras, and today Jennifer McMurtrey is with us to show us how she did that. Let’s take a look!
Hello Elle’s Studio friends! It’s Jennifer here today with a layout about a subject near and dear to my heart—reading! Since I was a child, I have read just about anything I can get my hands on. While other kids were at the pool or playing sports during the summer, I was hauling bags of books to the used bookstore to trade in on more used books. When I opened this month’s kit and saw all of the goodies focused on reading, my heart skipped a beat. I’m a total nerd and proudly own it.
In recent years, I have switched to a Kindle so I am able to read late into the night without keeping my husband awake. While I don’t have stacks of books on my nightstand, I knew I could still incorporate everything from the May 2019 Kit and add-ons into a project.

Supplies | May 2019 Kit, Book Review Journaling Tags, Jane Alphabet Stickers – Teal, Hand Drawn Acrylic Hearts, Read Acrylic, Beautiful Day 6 x 6 Paper Stack, Everyday Phrases Vol. 2 Stamp
My layout started on a piece of 8½” x 11″ cardstock that was splattered with watered-down black distress oxide ink. Next, I added layers of papers and tags. I chose to stick with the coral and teal color scheme with black and white accents to match my photo and the Book Review Journaling Tag. To get the photo of the inside book cover, I simply did a screen shot from the Kindle app on my phone and then printed it.

The book review itself was typed on my manual typewriter. I have to confess to using a few cards before I was able to get the placement of the text correct. The stars at the bottom of the tag are painted with more watered-down ink (the same as was used with the arrow stamps).

The Read Acrylic is my absolute favorite and I placed it front-and-center along the bottom edge of the photo. Because the white disappeared into the cardstock, I used the teal Jane Alphabet Stickers to give a pop of color.

The Hand Drawn Acrylic Hearts were the final touch. I love everything about this layout and can’t wait to continue using the May 2019 Kit and add-ons to further document my love of reading!

I can’t wait to see how use this month’s kit and add-ons to create projects that capture your special memories. Be sure to use #EllesStudio when posting to social media so we can all enjoy your creations!