Announcing Our Newest Team Member!

I am so excited to introduce to you our newest team member here at Elle’s Studio, my younger sister, Michelle!

My family has been such a HUGE part of this business. My mom has been helping from the very beginning with packaging tag sets and packing orders for shipping. My dad has helped with all the mechanical aspects, along with packing tons and tons of heavy boxes of paper. And, both of them have offered tremendous emotional support and encouragement, I’m always running to them with questions and for business advice, and they are great with helping me brainstorm new ideas, too! So, you can imagine how excited I am that now my sister is able to join in on the party!

Some fun facts about my sister are:
– Her and her husband(Mike) have been together 10 years, high school sweethearts! And just celebrated their 6th year anniversary.
– Cameron, her son, is 22 months old (this is my favorite little dude that I scrapbook all the time)
– She’s been a cosmetologist for 7 years! (but I’m slowing trying to get her over here at ES full time!)
– Her favorite color is pink and she’s pretty crafty, too!
– Also, in case anyone is wondering… our parents didn’t name us Elle and Michelle, lol! My nickname is Elle, but my real name is Danielle. Pretty sure I’ve mentioned that before, but wanted to mention it again in case there was anyone out there going HUH?!

She will be managing wholesale accounts, and helping me with our new website! There are lots of fun things in store and this is just the beginning! So help us give a big, warm welcome to Michelle!
