Using Project Life for Travel

Welcome another week of Project Life at Elle’s Studio!

This past week I was away on vacation, so there is no new Project Life layout to share.  But, speaking of vacations, I want to offer an idea for documenting any upcoming summer travel plans.  And of course it has to do with Project Life!

I went on a fabulous scrapbooking trip to Greece with my mom almost two years ago.  There were SO many photos taken during the trip, it was completely overwhelming when I thought about how I would document this trip. 

Over the last year, Project Life has become a huge part of my scrapbooking routine and how I document our day to day.  It was a huge lightbulb moment when I realized I could merge the Project Life method with my travel photos and memories for this trip I took to Greece.

I kept a journal while in Greece, so I opened my journal and began writing bits and pieces of stories on Elle’s journaling cards and the Project Life Journaling Cards by Becky Higgins (I use the Clementine collection).  I then matched these stories with the photos.  It was so fun to mix up the photos and stories in the Project Life pages and also experiment with trimming large 12 x 12 photos in the photo pockets.

Maybe you are on the fence with starting Project Life?  This is something you could easily do if you are planning a summer vacation (or need to document past travels).  It would give you a feel for what it’s like to use the Project Life system without feeling like you are committing to something huge or overwhelming (and i promise Project Life isn’t either of these things:).

Simply pack a variety of Elle’s Studio tags / Project Life tags with your camera and jot down memories here and there during your travels (or keep a journal).  Your album is halfway done— all that’s needed are printed photos and a few embellishments.   I hope this gives you a few ideas when you think about documenting your summer travel plans!

I have a winner to announce from last week’s giveaway!  Congrats to Tanya!  Please email [email protected] the following info to claim your prize:
Contest: PL May 29
Prize: $10

We are giving away another $10 Elle’s Studio Gift Certificate!  Leave a comment on this post for your chance to win– we will announce the winner next Tuesday

Project Life was created by Becky Higgins as a way to simplify how you document life and preserve memories. Photo pockets used in my Project Life album are created by Becky and can be found here.  You can read of all the Elle’s Studio Project Life posts here.
