Product Spotlight : Washi Tape Stamps

Washi Tape is all the rage and the perfect touch to any layout or card. What’s better than a roll of tape? A Washi Tape Stamp set that allows you to create the look of Washi tape over and over again in any color you choose!

EllesStudio-WashiTapeStamp-S3008 Today I’m going to share a few cards I created using the Washi Tape Stamp set. The first two cards are examples of how to use the stamps to create a simple pattern that creates a great background!


The last card I used a single washi tape stamp and a die cut heart from the Shine collection to create the look of a birthday candle.


You will notice the stamps have “hard” or straight edges. If you want to create “torn” edge look like I did on the candle card above, simply tear a strip of scratch paper and use it as a mask when you are stamping directly onto your card.IMG_0343IMG_0344

See, how easy is that!

Now, it’s your turn! Use the Washi Tape Stamp set & share your creations with us in our Member Gallery today!

Happy Creating ~ Megan
