Today I am sharing the week of June 9-15th in my Project Life album.
I mentioned last week that I am changing the format to a smaller album for the summer. I am loving this different size and the overall change. It has challenged me to think about my photos and everything I include in my album. The vertical 6×4 space is still somewhat challenging to me, but I have found it’s a great place to put “found items”, journaling, and instagram photos.
For this spread, I used a combination of Shine products and the June 2014 kit.
I also really focused on including those “extra items” from the week. My kids were all about the library reading program, so I included the cover of the brochure. I added dental floss packaging since they had their dental check ups, along with clothing tags from a summer shopping trip. I received a post card in the mail from my church and I decided it was the perfect item to add journaling about my dad for Father’s Day.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that a photo isn’t necessarily the ONLY item to document with– it’s fun and challenging to add those “extras” and allow it to tell your story.